Sunday, June 25, 2006

Invisible (poetry korner)


You look at only her
And right through me
It is like men are blind
And can not see anything but my behind
Invisible me
Trying to be
Seen by you

But it doesn’t matter what I do
A big heart, beautiful smile.
Nothing is all worth while.
My heart hurts but I will just let it be
I am invisible
Just invisible me


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Dearest Raven,
Every woman who's ever loved a man can understand this painful truth at some point.
You capture the right emotions excellently.

Kelley Nyrae said...

susan said it great. I've been there before and know how it feels. Men are a different breed, thats for sure.

Raven Starr said...

Thanx Susan and Kelley

RomanceWriter said...

Aww that poem was touching. I could feel your heartache and longing. Good job with that piece of work.

