Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Interview with Melody Knight.. Check it out!!

1.)With the countless number of interview questions let's try something different. Tell us something about yourself that hasn't been previously stated.
2.)How long have you been writing?
Twelve years, as of November 26, 2007. That was the date, way back when, I went to the local library, checked out 11 books but couldn't get "into" them, and began writing what I wanted to read.
3.)What drives you as a writer?
I seem to be driven, whatever I do - whether I'm writing, painting, studying archaeology...
I don't know why this is. Perhaps I should have it checked out , but for the moment, let's just admit I'm a teeny bit obsessive-compulsive about my writing.
4.)Give us your plans for this New Year.
I have 3 novels on my desktop (1 romance, 1 for a continuity series, and 1 paranormal thriller) to finish, then I'd like to write at least 3 more. I'm also working on an online novel, plus I'd like to get my backlist - down to 4 novels and 2 novellas (yay!) - safely into a publisher's hands.
5.)Give us your pick for sexiest man of the year.
Johnny Dep. I was discussing this with women aged 15 to 55 at dinner the other day, and he was the universal favorite.
6.)If you and he were single if given 24 hours what would you do?
Pray that he'd develope a sudden lust for myopic sci fi writers with unhealthy fascinations for fungus, viruses, and archaeology.
7.)What genre do you write and what genre would you love to try?
SF, horror, fantasy, paranormal suspense, YA, sf romance, fantasy romance, paranormal romance, erotic romance
I definitely am interested in attempting a historical romance. My only historicals to date have been time travel scenes in some of my paranormal novels.
8.)What is your biggest pet peeve?
Anything which makes me feel guilty about being a chocoholic.
9.)Since the beginning of the New Year what goal (short or long term) do you have planned?
I want to travel. Eventually, I'd love to visit obscure places and have my writing pay my way.
10.)What are you working on now?
A book of my heart, which isn't a romance, but an archaeology paranormal thriller; a ghost story, which also happens to be a romance; and one I hope will be specific to one of my publishers' continuity series.
11.)What do you have out?
Books: The Trees Series (fantasy - 6 books), The Light Play Trilogy (sf - 3 books), The Elf Chronicles (fantasy - 2 books), The Grave Images Series (horror - 4 books), Vision (horror), Static (sf), Gilded Folly (fantasy/sf), In Trysts (romantic suspense), In Flames (romantic suspense)
Contracted for release this year: ErRatic (paranormal suspense), The Hollowing (horror), Gray Beginnings (horror), GlassWorks (paranormal romance), Relic (sf/paranormal), BoneSong (sf/fantasy/horror)
My publishers: Five Star, Fictionwise, Cerridwen Press, Red Rose Publishing, Linden Bay Romance, Drollerie Press
12.)Beer or wine?
13.)Sinful indulgence?
Chocolate. Chocolate and Coke Zero.
Well, I thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. I leave the floor to you. Tell us if your making any appearances, book singing, chats, etc.
Heaps of library visits planned, beginning in February. Other than that, I have chats at least once a month somewhere, so watch for reminders from "N. D. Hansen-Hill" or "Melody Knight" on MySpace (

Thanks for this, Raven!


Thank you again and have a brilliant New Year.

Raven Starr

Heroic Fantasy, SF, Horror
Fictionwise, Cerridwen Press, Five Star, Linden Bay Romance, Red Rose, Drollerie Press [add me!]

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