Hey Y'all, I just wanted to stop by and drop a bio of our next Author on the Blog. LOL
LaVerne Thompson is a friend on myspace as well as a fellow author. She'll be stopping by tomorrow to blog about her books.
Just to wet your lips a bit. I'm going to post her bio. Make sure you all stop by and check her out.
Thanks y'all.
LaVerne Thompson, like so many others, has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. She is now a multi-published award winning bestselling author, an avid reader and a writer of contemporary, fantasy, and sci/fi sensual interracial romances. She is currently working on several projects. When not working on one of her stories, or shuttling her girls to and from school and their various activities, she can usually be found on online. Visit her website at lavernethompson.com or check out her blog at isisindcblog@blogspot.com to see excerpts of her stories and what's coming soon.
Thanks Raven. I'm looking forward to blogging.
I've been reading your work and am one of your greatest fan. Keep up the good work.
That's great, Dyanne. Check back tomorrow for her blog. Thanks for stopping by today.
Hey Laverne!
You biggest han here. Love your heroes and haroines, they bring back old fashioned romance to books.
Stephanie Williams
Hey LaVerne, I don't know why my other post didn't show up. Let's get that dragon story of yours out! I wanna check it out.
LOL Thanks Chaeya. I'm working on it.
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