Friday, September 27, 2019


Hello everyone don't think I've fallen off the planet I'm here. I had major surgery last Friday and I'm now trying to back into the swing of things, just not as fast lol. Okay so Goddess Talks Podcast on Blog Talk Radio at 9am bring your coffee and get ready to laugh. I don't care what our topic is Kristy and I always have stories to tell, I'm sure if it's because we have a lot in common or what. But now that Kristy and I were both with Red Rose Publishing back in the day. We never spoke until lately and to met someone else that knows about certain books, or movies no matter what her and I, damn we're also clones. Since the surgery I have a brand new book out called, The Trickster, The Witch, The She-Wolf Oh My. The cover is by USA Today Best selling Author V Vee. Its stunning believe me I think I have my cover artist. Now I have to find a way to get everything off of my old hard drive I'm not giving up on that for sure. The doc says one more week of bed rest so I'll be writing. Have a wonderful day...kisses

Friday, September 06, 2019

My New Invention

You know what we should have that hasn't been invented yet... a hover car. Now wait when I was I loved cars from the future so in the 80's there was a future car called, the machete, not kidding. I can't believe I remember it so vividly but it was beautiful. It had a sleek design, but the 'magic' was the wheels, they were supposed to glide above road if it detected wet and slippery roads. I was in awe, I swore that was going to be a real and for a very time I waited it's 2019 and no new machete, but think of it. So many accidents happen on wet and slick roads it maybe be able to stop accidents, but on the flip side I think the more machines we add to our lives the further down the rabbit we go and I'm not sure we're going to like what we find down there. When I was learning how to drive I fretted over learning to parallel park, I couldn't get it. I'm telling you I didn't want to take the test because I knew I'd flunk, so imagine how thankful I was when I had to drive around the block. Boom...done. I was afraid for nothing, well not for nothing because it took several years to get the hang of it, now they have cars that not hover but they park themselves, how very cool is that?

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Time Travel

Time Travel where would I go and why.
Geez this is a hard one because I absolutely enjoy history. If I really had to chose it would have to be ancient Egypt around the eighteenth dynasty to see Queen Hatshepsut, the second female pharaoh. Even though I’m not a fan of the heat just being able to experience what life was like back then would be incredible. The thought of being able to see just how the Queen came to power and maybe to find out what happened to her in the end. I mean think about it she was the longest reigning female pharaoh, she ruled for twenty years I find that truly amazing. I love a good murder mystery so maybe I could solve her mystery. In my opinion Hatshepsut was a fair ruler but why was she erased, it’s crazy. You have to think about it, like was it mainly because she was a woman? Well, I can understand because women have been fighting for equal rights for what seems like forever, but I’m glad women like Hatshepsut did exist in history to show all women the inner strength we all have deep inside. I’d love to be able to lay my hands on the walls of her temple. When I was researching for Thieves in the Night, I immersed myself in all thing ancient Egypt, my daughter even surprised me with two very special books, one was the Egyptian Book of the Dead, (it was awesome) and the other was thick book all about ancient Egypt. I loved them both, but when I was writing the book, I felt the rough sand underneath my worn sandals it would be very cool. If you’ve never heard of Hatshepsut please check out her story and feel the urge female energy flow through you.

Friday, August 30, 2019

3 weeks was so long

Hey there my friends sorry I fell off the grid but I lost my hard drive on my other laptop and have been without one for 3 weeks...such a long time. But I'm back I still need to get the hard drive from my crashed one because all your girls's stories are trapped, even the brand new one. Cross your fingers for me on that one.
So, I know its not Monday but I figure I'd post now because of Labor Day. I've also joined a blog hop and I hope you'll join me for that wild ride.
Now that the summer is on it's way out what are you most looking forward to?
I want the cool weather. The summer's seem like they are only getting hotter and I don't like the hot weather...not at all. Then of course Halloween my all time favorite holiday.

Once I figure out the blog hop I'll post it.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Good Morning

Good Morning Raven Watchers. How was your weekend? Mine wasn’t too bad, just getting used to waking up early on Saturday Morning to co-host a new podcast called, ‘Goddess Talks’ on blogtalk, I’ll post the number and website at the bottom. I hope you’ll be able to join us because Kristy and I are having a ball.
So, this is the second post, but I have much I’d like to share with you. I am thinking about waiting until the blog is getting some hits before we talk about the Movie Club. I’m going to make a list of movies, and I’ll run a poll and we can see what our first movie will be. I’m a geek over movies, and once you get to know me, you’ll find out just how much of a geek I can be, that’s for sure. I’m very excited with the way things are going right now, I can’t say too much but I’m excited.
It feels good to be writing again. After the closing of the first Epub where I was listed, I lost my confidence. It took a long time for me to admit that I lost confidence but it’s true. My heart ached as I stepped away from one of the greatest joys in my life.
I’ve done a lot of things in my life, model, nurse, mother, and playwright. I loved all those attributes of my life, but nothing fills me more with electric energy the way creating a new world through my writing does. So, one day a friend (Jayha Leigh) gave me two things 1) a swift kick in the ass and 2) a challenge.
I do love a good challenge. She said just write a bit, it doesn’t to be long just write a little every day. She filled me with hope again. Jayha has read my work and I absolutely enjoy her work, respect and most of all her friendship which is why after we spoke, I tried it. I didn’t have to sit for too long, I didn’t force myself and once I began it was like the flood gates had once again opened and I felt connected. So, my dear friend, Jayha thank you so much for the kick and the challenge.
I absolutely agree that you must find the path on which you chose to walk. Some folks have jobs, while other people have careers. I didn’t know about the difference when I was younger, I’m glad to know the difference.
The movie club is open to all genres and if you have a movie you’d like to review please let me know. Now be warned I have seen a lot of movies but I’m excited to start the club. I mentioned before about Goddess Talks podcast is every Saturday Morning, I hope you guys will be able to join Kristy and I for fun, and nonsense. It’s awesome.
Please add me on the Facebook link below.
I’m also on Instagram ravenstarr9122
Thanks for stopping by and you enjoy your week.

Monday, August 05, 2019

Monday News

Happy Monday, my friends. First, let me say apologize for being gone for so long. I needed to clear my head and my heart I guess it just makes me human…right?
So, where do I start…I do have a few books out on Amazon, I’ll post the links at the bottom of this post. This blog isn’t just going to be about the written word, but other things that I love, like movies, art, photography, contests, and zombies. Yes, you heard the last part right, I love zombies.
So as of today, I will be posting here every Monday. To kick things off I have to tell you about a new series I watched on Netflix it’s called, ‘Another Life’ it’s a space inspired series and the first season is 10 episodes long and let me tell you it’s intense, especially episode 3. Whoa, like I said I zombies and all things horror scare me, but the reason why zombies scare me is the most is the primal fear of being eaten.
Just imagining my stomach being ripped open so the undead can feast on my intestines isn’t something I want to have in my head, but I guess I do because I am working on a zombie novel. I must admit it’s fun. I do enjoy skating around on the darker side of things, yes, I still love romance and I will add that aspect to all my writing but to do both, write the light, along with the dark. That’s how life is though, isn’t it, light and dark?
I received some good advice from my older brother today, with things in my life finally coming into view I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. To go from one day of writing maybe a bit a day to coming back full strength within hours had me running around with panic racing through my body. The advice he gave me was simple. “Just do the first thing,” he says. “Don’t think about step two or three just do the first thing.” Those words rang true because it was like duh why didn’t I think about that? Just do the first thing. All the panic I felt in that moment melted away.  Isn’t it amazing how some words can make so much difference in someone’s life?
With the world spinning out of control and death becoming our new normal the world of zombies sounds far more stable then waking up to yet another group of killings. Scary for our children to not feel safe at school, Walmart, Church, and even their homes. I just want to know how much longer are we going to sit back here and take it. How many more lives do we have to lose before we act? Sorry but with everything going on in our fractured country I fear not only for the lives of my children, but I fear for all our lives.
Okay, don’t want to go dark right now but it’s a scary time to walk this planet. I would also like to have a movie club, just like a book club but with movies. I’ll give a title for us to watch than 30 days we can discuss it. Sound good? Below are all the places where you can find me, I can’t wait to meet you all.

Blog- www.dkraven.blogspot

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Guess What??

Hello all. I know my visits here have been sporadic but you guys know how life gets in the way sometimes.
But here I am again with soo much good news.
Okay Twisted is still up on Amazon, and Smashwords so make sure you get your copy today.

A Husband for Martha is 99 cents on createspace.

Like I mentioned the other day I am a part of an anthology with a wonderful bunch of ladies...well here they are:

Hadley Raydeen
Dahlia Rose
Cordelia Michelsen
Aliyah Burke
Leila Lacey
Jaimie Lyne Sanderson
Reana Malori
Angela Kay Austin
Autumn Latimore
 and me of

Labor of Love presale is coming on the 14th...

And last but not least just in time for the upcoming holiday.. yep I said yep.. Are you thinking about Labor Day? No, no, I'm all about the Fall and the scare..
So starting this month I will be writing a monthly paranormal column called.... Drum roll please...

Secrets of the Raven.... coming soon...really really soon.

I know it's been a lot of information, now you see one reason I've been a tad dormant.
So now I'm off I have soo many things to do.
Talk radio shows, contests, takeovers..more...more....