Thursday, July 06, 2006

Im leaving..

Hi all, to my friends who come here to support my work thanks,but I guess I am packing up my quills and finding somewhere else to lay my head. It has nothing to do with this site or anyone just me. Writing fills a aprt of me that I can not explain. I don't to make money or to get famous. I write because thats who Iam.
I am a writer and always a poet. I am not sure that I belong here with such writers as yourselves and I dont want to change my style or who I am to achieve what it is that I truly want. Yes this is confusing for me. I have not totally made up my mind but I will be slowly deleting my work from this site but hopefully not from the hearts and minds of the few of you that I might have touched with my words.
Thanks again and I hope to meet all of you someday.
Write on, my friends.
Follow your hearts and the quill will follow.


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Dearest Raven,
We are all in the same boat to support, encourage and be friends with each other.
I really wish that if you were still in 2 minds...that you would please stay.
And does that mean that you won't be visiting us either.
I will truly miss you & feel sad about this.

Raven Starr said...

My sister has been talking tome and with your words of encouragement I will think about it. I just get afraid of posting because I do want to publish my poetry and I don't wanna write something that isn'tme just to get noticed. Its crazy butI am thinking about staying.

Kelley Nyrae said...

Write what you love. You don't have to change what you write here. Each and everyone of us writes different. Weather it be a different genre or just with our own unique voice.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Just be yourself, Raven.
Write when you feel like it. Write whatever you want. Don't write when you don't feel like it. But like a diary you know.

This place on the web...its your special corner in cyberspace and just for you.

I so love your writing. Remember I directed you to those agents' links? Otherwise, I wouldn't have. And also...if you showcase your work or write about just anything (like a diary) long enough, you will gain an audience who may not comment but will look out for your books when they're published.

People will take an interest in you and they will care. Just like me. I care.
lots of love

Raven Starr said...

Both of you are such wonderful people. I am glad that at least I have the both of you on my side. I will stop writing, nor will I leave but I just must be careful what I post. I want to publish my poetry because that is where my heart is, it would hurt me so much if someone took that away from me. Writing is apart of who I am. Thank you both for reminding me its about the writing and how it makes me feel.
Love ya both,

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Dearest Raven,
Don't understand what you mean when you say that you must be careful about what you post?
Everything you write is so nice to read even when you are doing the odd rant. Ha-Ha

Raven Starr said...

I am just afraid to post my poetry because I do want to get it published and I dont want anyone else to take my stuff off of here and do something to it, u know?
I am just worried about my writing staying "my writing"